
lazy. crazy. ..

How Long Will I Love You - Ellie Goulding


这首《How Long Will I Love You》是来自电影《时空恋旅人》的主题曲,由英国唱作女歌手Ellie Goulding演唱。转眼已经寒冬,凛冽的寒风似乎也带走了生活中游离着的小温暖。冷空气下的自由呼吸,一起感受一下绵羊音的飘渺,感受寒冬里的生活还是有少许清新。与呼啸而过不同,Ellie Goulding的声音就像是一股轻盈飘渺的气流缓缓淌过耳旁。温馨的旋律,轻松自如的吟唱都How long will I love you? 我爱你有多久?
As long as stars are above you 只要满天繁星依然在夜空闪烁,我会一如既往的爱你
And longer if I can 再且如果我能问
How long will I need you? 我需要你多久?
As long as the seasons need to 只要一年四季一直在更替,我都陪伴你左右
Follow their plan 遵循着他们的机会
How long will I be with you? 我会和你在一起多久?
As long as the sea is bound to 除非海水
Wash upon the sand 冲走了所有的泥沙,我都在会和你在一起
How long will I want you? 我会想你多久?
As long as you want me to 只要你一直想着我,我就一直挂念着你
And longer by far 不再遥远
How long will I hold you? 我能紧紧抱住你多久?
As long as your father told you 只要你爸爸允许
As long as you can 只要你愿意
How long will I give to you? 我能给你多长时间?
As long as I live through you 只要你一直都在,永远永远
However long you say 但是你还是说多久
How long will I love you? 我爱你有多久?
As long as stars are above you 只要满天繁星依然在夜空闪烁,我会一如既往的爱你
And longer if I may 再且如果我可以问
How long will I love you? 我需要你多久?
As long as stars are above you 只要满天繁星依然在夜空闪烁,我会一如既往的爱你给人一种放松的感受。



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